Friday, January 30, 2015

Rappelling @ Bhongir Fort

 It took 9 years for me to break out and venture out to do something I have never done before..."Rappelling".  Rappelling has always excited me.  I have always watched people with "awe" look on my face doing it.  Always wanted to try it out. Finally, January 10, 2015 gave me an opportunity to do exactly that and loved each moment. The venue of the event was - "Bhongir Fort", since I have already been to this place, am just sharing the link to that writeup.  (

The group, that had initiated this trip had planned everything. Since, this was my first one for Rappelling, I had everything planned out for the next day event. January 10, saw me waking up pretty early, even before my alarm went off.  Spent about 20 minutes to get ready, downed a cup of coffee, before I walked down to my pickup point.  Well, to be fair, I was delayed, my friends were waiting to pick me up. From there, we zipped off to Uppal "X" Road, where the group of 50+ people where waiting. Some of us wanted to have a quick breakfast, some of us just had hot tea. Then we assembled together to decide who is going to pile on to which car or bike.  Once that was done, we were on the way to Bhongir fort. The ride was awesome, and finally we reached our destination.
We all parked our vehicle, introduced ourselves. Imagine 50+ strangers coming together to do something, where all of us had one common interest to trek up the hill to see the brooding fort, to rappel, and have fun. Once introduction was over, we started to trek the hill to reach the fort. Higher we went, steeper was the climb.  At some places, we were literally on all fours...:-). We made pit stops, so that we all were together.  The team work was awesome. Almost everyone was talking to everyone, munching some energy bars and trekking up. We reached "The Brooding Fort" and looked around.  We spent good amount of time taking some beautiful shots of the fort, the view was beautiful. A sleepy town, with a brooding fort at the top overlooking the town, once in a while you could see a train passing up. Even now, when I can conjure up the image of the place.

About 10:30 AM, we started walking towards the Rappelling point. We had to provide the details about ourselves, then collect the rappelling items. According to the dictionary, "Rappelling is a descent from a height, such as a cliff or wall, in which one slides down an anchored rope and applies friction to control one's speed, either by means of a specialized device or by passing the rope under one thigh and over the opposite shoulder". That's one of the reason to remember that we need to rappel under supervision. 

We rappelled 300 feet. Honestly speaking, when my turn came, I could feel my legs were shaking. But, the feel of being in the air was too tempting. While rappelling, I ensured that I did not look down, and finally felt my legs touch the ground.  Slowly, one by one all of us rappelled down. While of us had a fall, but she managed to pull herself up and then rappelled. Kudos to her. Once we touched the ground, we all gathered and went off the lunch.
For me, the day was spent well. The taste of being in the air, has me asking me for more. Dil Maage More...I am looking forward to do waterfall rappelling.

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