Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Chilkur - Home of Lord Balaji

Chilkur Balaji temple, Vikrabad. PC: Wikipedia
Chilkur Balaji, commonly known as Visa God. - the most surprising fact that has Chilkur Balaji has been associated with. This temple, though small compared to Tirupati but gets almost a lakh of devotees every week.

Initially, when I moved to Hyderabad, one of my neighbors told me about this place. From then on, we always wanted to visit this place. Finally, we got the opportunity, made a quick trip along with my friends.  That trip with my friends was a like bullet train ride for me. So, when another opportunity came in, I could not resist myself, and there you go...all set to leave. 

For me, I have always liked to visit the temples during the morning hours, not sure why?? Not sure, but always did.  That is one habit, which I still maintain. As usual, on a weekend, Nov 22, 2008, we started for this temple, and this visit is the most memorable one, as I lost my handbag. Neways, that is one part of the part, but it was the best one.  

On reaching the temple, we went in for darshan.  We did the 11 “pradakshinas” and their prayers to the deity. It is believed that once your wish is granted, then you have to visit the temple again and do 108 pradakshinas of the temple to show their gratitude and thank the God. As we did the pradakshinas, we heard the priest chanting mantras and guiding people.

Chilkur Balaji, commonly known as Visa God. - the most surprising fact that has Chilkur Balaji has been associated with. This temple, though small compared to Tirupati but gets almost a lakh of devotees every week. 

Initially, when I moved to Hyderabad, one of my neighbors told me about this place. From then on, we always wanted to visit this place. Finally, we got the opportunity, made a quick trip along with my friends.  That trip with my friends was a like bullet train ride for me. So, when another opportunity came in, I could not resist myself, and there you go...all set to leave. 

For me, I have always liked to visit the temples during the morning hours, not sure why?? Not sure, but always did.  That is one habit, which I still maintain. As usual, on a weekend, Nov 22, 2008, we started for this temple, and this visit is the most memorable one, as I lost my handbag. Neways, that is one part of the part, but it was the best one.  

On reaching the temple, we went in for darshan.  We did the 11 “pradakshinas” and said our prayers to the deity. It is believed that when you are making a wish, then you are supposed to do 11 pradakshinas. Once your wish is granted, then you have to visit the temple again and do 108 pradakshinas of the temple to show your gratitude and thank the God. As we did the pradakshinas, we heard the priest chanting mantras and guiding people.

As soon as we completed the pradakshinas, we took the prasadam and sat the outer area of the temple to enjoy the same.  While I was enjoying the prasadam, I met this uncle, who is a regular at this temple. Something got us talking and he asked me if I knew the story of the temple.  Since I shook my head in negative, he told me that the Chilkur Balaji temple is one of the oldest temples.  And then, uncle went on with the story. 

Chilkur deity. PC: haregovinda.com
The story goes that...

Once upon a time, there was Balaji devotee who used to visit Tirupati every year without fail to seek Lord's blessing, but unfortunately one particular year he could not visit Tirupati due ill health. He was upset about it. Then one night, Lord Venkateshwara appeared in his dreams and informed him that he should not worry so much as he was very close to his place. 

The devotee got up and immediately went to the place where the Lord was dwelling in the jungle. He started digging the place and by mistake the shovel hit the Lord's idol and blood started oozing out of the wounds. Seeing this the devotee was shocked and before he could react, he heard a voice that informed him to cover the place with cow's milk. 

As soon as cow's milk was poured, swayambhu idol of Lord Balaji accompanied by Sridevi and Bhoodevi was found and this idol was installed at the current location with due rites and temple was built was built.

There are many stories attached to the temple, but I really do not know many of them. For me, temples have been an epitome of peace, and beauty which I have always enjoyed. But off late, I have noticed that devotees who come to this beautiful temple do not bother about the other devotees. 

Yes, I do accept many of them come there as they have some or the other wish.  Either they are doing 11 pradakshinas and making a wish or doing 108 pradakshinas as their wish ahs been granted. 

But in doing so, they just run blindly without thinking and in turn hurting other devotees which is not good. I just hope that in future devotees will ensure safety of other devotees, which is supreme in the eyes of the Lord Balaji of Chilkur.

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