Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Family trek to Beautiful Sahastrakund Falls

Sahastrakund waterfall, another one of the waterfall which I have never heard about. I tried to Google for more information about this place, but could not find much.  I happened to see a video on this place, with gurgling water cascading down.  Soorya, my friend who happens to be a lover of waterfalls and has a knack of discovering some unknown territories, planned a trip to Sahastrakund. This time, my family also joined in his trip.  My kids, aged 10 & 6 were all geared up and excited to go on his trip.  When I informed them, they would need to walk for almost 6Kms, they agreed easily. On August 30th, 2015, the trip was planned.  Soorya had taken care of our travel tickets and as usual, he had planned everything and shared with all.

Very little details known about Sahastrakund waterfalls, I tried look up in the Google, but did not come up with much information. Sharing whatever information, I could dig and gorge on...:-)

Sahastrakund waterfalls is at a distance of 4.5 km from Islahpur village, 60 km from Nirmal, 100 km from Nanded, 116 km from Adilabad and 282 km from Hyderabad, Sahastrakund Waterfalls is a nice waterfall located in Nanded district of Maharashtra. Sahastrakund Waterfall is an amazing waterfall on the Penganga River, a tributary to Godavari River at Murli village. The water falls can be visited throughout the year, though monsoon is the best season. 

The water drops from a height of 50 feet to form the breathtaking waterfalls. The rock pattern in surroundings of the falls is also interesting, as the black rock appears like a metal. The water force is quite high during monsoons and not advised to get into the water.

There are two temples near the falls on both sides of the river. The ideal time to visit the waterfall is during monsoon (August to October).  

From Nirmal, the waterfall can be reached via Dhani, Swarna & Islahpur. The road from Nirmal is average and can get worse during heavy rains. Public transportation is limited to this place from Nirmal (one bus that runs four times a day). There is also a railway station (Sahastrakund Railway Station) which is half km from Islahpur and 5 km from the waterfall. This station is connected with Hyderabad, Nagpur, Nanded and Adilabad.

Since it was a day’s trip for us, we did not much luggage, just the required things in our backpack. We ensure that we carried extra set of clothes as it was a waterfall and we all were sure to have fun in the water.  Apart from these, we carried some snacks to munch for the kids on the way.  Since we had our train, Krishna Express at 9 PM from Secunderabad station. We decided to take the public transport bus near our place, which is 26 Kms away from the Secunderabad. We started about 6 PM in the evening, we waited for almost 45 minutes to get our bus. The travel which normally takes an hour to reach its destination, even during the peak of traffic, that was worse.  It was about 8:30 PM and we were still stuck at Tarbund stop, which is about 20 minutes away from the station.  We knew that we would never make it to the station, with the kind of traffic that was there on that day, and mentally prepared ourselves that we may miss this trip. 

 The only solution for us to try get out of bus and see if we can get an auto or something which will help us to reach the station in time. With that in mind, we jumped off the bus at the signal, crossed the road and took the next available auto.  Meanwhile, Soorya had called me twice and told me that they are already at the station.  He provided us the coach number, seat number and the platform number where we can board the train.    The auto wala took over from there, we do not know what road he took, and it was 5 minutes to 9 PM, when we reached the station. It was just mad rush for us to catch the train. All four us, just ran and got in the train, as it was leaving the station. It was touch and go for us. You should have seen the grin on our face…

Finally, we got settled, introduced ourselves around.  We found that there were two boys in our group of the same age group of my kids.  The kids got introduced, shared Mogins cupcake to cement their friendship. Some of us had got dinner, so we had quick dinner and decided to call off the day. We were told that the train stops at the Sahastrakund station about 3:30 AM in the morning.  Thankfully, our train was slightly delayed and the station at 4:00 AM morning.  My son was pretty wound up that he was up by 2 AM and every half hour, he would tap me ask me if the station has come.  The moment, we told him, we are approaching, he could not hide his excitement, he was immediately got down, ensured that his sister was wide awake.  The train stops for 10 minutes, we quickly made our exit from the train. We grouped together, started walking out of the platform. From the station, we had to walk about 6 kms to reach the waterfalls. 

Since, it was early morning hours, it was difficult for us to get any mode of transport for the kids. It was pitch dark, with no streetlights, so we had to pull out our flashlights to We found that a small shop had its doors open, which was quite a surprise for us. I peeked in, picked up water bottles and few more munchies along chocolates. By the time I made the payment, started to walk, I found group had covered quite a distance.  Pavan, who had stopped at the shop along with me to pick up water bottles, picked up pace to rejoin the gang that was marching in the dark. 

On the way, we had stray dogs barking at us, as if we were the intruders, who have shaken them from their slumber. The roads were full of potholes, filled with rain water.  We had to be careful while walking, it was nice brisk morning walk for us with jokes, talks and lot of leg pulling. With the first morning light, we were reached the waterfalls. As we walked towards the elevated ramp, we found there are two temples on both sides. You can have darshan, if you want to. From the elevated ramp, we saw the waterfall in its full glory, like a mini Niagara waterfalls. It was just beautiful, I am falling short of words to describe the views that was breathtaking. 

For about an hour or so we stayed around the elevated the bridge, basking the beauty of the waterfall and tranquility around the place. Around 7 AM, we decided to have our breakfast before proceeding to the other side of waterfall. With that decision we all walked back to the entry point of the elevated ramp, where we had seen small shack, kind of eatery run by a family.  We had hot, spicy batata poha along with sweet tea. As soon as we finished our breakfast, we started to walk towards the other side of the falls. 

To reach the other side of the waterfall, you need to cross a bridge that is built across the river, should say about a kms or so from the shack. There is no road that we found, we walked through open rocky, muddy terrain to reach bridge. I noticed that bridge was complete, we could actually get down on the pillars to sit and enjoy the view for few minutes. This walk through the terrain and bridge was refreshing, we took our time to click pictures. 

Once we reached the other side of the falls, we girls and the kids did not need coaxing to run towards the water. Soorya informed us that the force of watre was high, as it was close to the waterfall. We did notice that the rocks are sharp and slippery, we had to be very careful while getting into the water. We spent about an hour in here, then decided that we needed a safer location for all of us to have fun in water. For that reason, we walked back towards the other side of bridge. On reaching there, we found the banks were muddy, and for about few feet, it was covered by algae and moss. In another 15 minutes, we knew, we need to find another location. Soorya, went ahead, got down near the bridge, tested the depth and gave us a green signal to come down. That’s it…we all ran like crazy nuts who have not seen water for ages… 
We played in the water till lunch time, dried and changed our clothes. We all started back towards the Sahastrakund station.  Since we all were exhausted to the core, and with four kids, we found it would be difficult for us to walk back.  We decided to hire an auto who could take us towards the station.  We wanted two to three autos, but we got only one auto, so it was decided that the ladies along with kids with go ahead in the first batch, then auto wala will come back to pick up the remaining people.  With that decision, we got into the auto.  But believe me that was the worst auto drive for us because the route taken by the auto guys had craters, not just potholes. At many places, we had to get down and push it…well that was fun. Somehow, we managed to reach market area. We requested the auto driver to wait for us as we wanted to have lunch before proceeding to the station.

Since, it is a small town, we did not have much option.  We found one decent place to eat, ordered masala rice, poori and aloo sabzi to eat.  Unfortunately, the poori was not cooked properly, so we could not eat them. We paid the bill, then got into the auto to proceed to the station.  The auto driver asked us to inform the remaining team members, that he will not be able to pick them up as the road was bad.  We somehow managed to inform them.  The guys walked all the way to station after finishing their lunch. We waited for our train, which was scheduled at 4 PM from Sahastrakund station. 

Since we did not get direct train to Hyderabad, we had to break our journey at Mudkhed. The train journey to Mudkhed was just fun, where we all discussed the pictures taken.  We would swap the cameras & smartphones to see the pictures taken.  Arif's photography was awesome, (let me mention it is here, he is a great photographer and has trekked with Soorya in too many treks). 

Arif had taken some of the pictures of us in the water.  That chotu camera (I forgot the name, I will try getting the name from Arif) has done amazing job. It was short trip to Mudkhed, before the blink of our eyes, we were all getting down. 

At Mudkhed, we had enough time to kill as we waited for the connecting train to come in. Finally, we all boarded the train, found that our seats were spread across the entire compartment.   We noticed that the our compartment had only few people, so we decided to sit together, play antakshri (complete mix of Hindi, Telugu songs), boys v/s girls.  Omg!! What fun it was….At Basar, we had to breakup as other passengers started to board the train.   

It was about 9 PM (do not remember the exact time), we all reached Secunderabad, bye to say goodbye for us. We ensured that it was not a goodbye, we exchanged numbers and still touch with most of the group members. 

Another beautiful memory made, with another set of strangers…

Photo Credit: Arif, & Soorya

Sunday, November 22, 2015

A day’s trip to Awesome Bogatha falls

Most of my friends who are seasoned trekker, always said, trekking in the rains gives an awesome feeling. I have never done that and was really not sure that how many of us would really love to try that.  The moment, you think about the rain, you just feel like snuggling yourself with a nice book, aadrak waali chai and hot pakoras or take a football, play as you get wet…Well, my dream of getting wet and trekking came true, when I went to a place called, Bogatha Falls. It was quite a coincidence that it was raining all through the day in and around Bogatha falls. 

August 15, 2015 was as usual and that Sunday was something that I was looking forward too as I had scheduled myself for a trip to Bogatha falls, in Khammam district. Honestly speaking, I had never heard about this waterfall, that too within the radius of 500 Kms. According to the plan shared, it was a day trip.  We were scheduled leave on Saturday night, trek to that waterfall on Sunday and back on Monday morning.  This was a complete new group of people with whom I had clubbed to make this trip.  The trip organizer, Soorya was the only person, with whom I was constantly in touch. 

Soorya had meticulously planned everything for the entire group and trip was awesome not just because it was planned well, but the group of people who had joined me in this trip. According to the plan, our train was scheduled to leave Secunderabad station at 11PM.   I had an early dinner and then took a bus to Punjagutta, where Soorya had asked me to meet him.   Soorya and Atul met me at the Punjagutta circle and then took me to Vamsi’s place.  There, I met most of the people who were traveling with me. They had dinner and then after sometime we all booked a cab and left for the station.   At the station, I met few more people and then we all boarded the train.    The initial few hours was completely hellos and hi and get together kind of time for all us.   Most of us were yapping away till wee hours of morning.   Few of us decided to catch with sleep for few hours. The entire travel route was chilly and it was feeling good.

 About 4 AM, my mobile alarm was ringing on top of its voice, telling me it’s time to freshen before disembarking at the station.  The enthusiasm level were at the top most level and I was eagerly waiting to get started. The entire gang got down at the station – Bhadrachalam Road.   

Since it was quite early, we all wanted to have a hot cup of tea before starting towards the falls. As soon as chai was done, we all walked out of station.   

Soorya informed us that since it is quite a distance, he had arranged a maxi cab for all us to the reach the closest point to the falls. The route that we took to the falls was: Bhadrachalam Road > Cherla > Venkatapuram  > Cheekupalli Stream > Koyaveerapuram (Bogatha Falls), was only beautiful, but scenic.  The drilling rain, hillocks, & greenery was worth the drive towards the falls.  Our Smartphones and cameras must have groaned under the amount of time we clicked pictures on the way.  

 Around 8 AM, at Cherla, we decided to take a quick break to fill our tummy. We had a good breakfast of dosa/idli, chutney and sambhar, along with piping hot coffee.  Some of us decided to have poori& sabzi.  Once we were done with breakfast, we freshened up.  Our breakfast point was a family run eatery, and just right behind the eatery, they had their living premises.  They were kind enough to allow us to use the washroom.  It was about 11ish, when reached the bridge, which still under construction, we decided to change into shorts and t-shirts and start walking towards to the falls. 

The walk through the open lands with puddle was just fun.  Those mud puddles, allowed the child amongst us to come out, jump and play. What awesome feeling it was!! Given an option, I would redo it without a blink of an eye.  As we neared the water, the sounds of gushing waterfall was thunderous and it goaded us to move forward.  WOW!! Ooh!! Omg!!...well these were the reactions that we had when we saw the waterfall. We were like kids and were all diving into the water to have fun. Because of the rains, the waterfall had grown into huge magnitude and was gushing forward in full force, which could easily pull a person if they are not careful.  We spent about 3 or so hours in water, playing, trying to swim in the natural body,  (honestly, I was found it tough to swim in here, though I know swimming pretty well – but still tried, went inside the water, got pulled up…;-)). We had an amazing photo session.  Pavan, who is an amateur photographer amongst us, was totally into his camera, he was least bothered if his camera was getting wet while taking photographs. He took some of the amazing shots to create the memories which will be long cherished by us, wherever we go…

Once done with playing and photography session, we had to come out. Though none of us wanted this session to get over, but time was crucial for us.  So we had a bye for that time and move out of water.  We all slowly started walking back towards our maxicab.  As soon as we reached our maxicab, we all changed out of wet clothes and started to munch on the snacks that we had with ourselves. Since we all come quite close to Bhadrachalam, we decided to make a pit stop at the temple.  We all had a good darshan of Lord Rama and then all boarded the maxicab. 

It was almost 7 PM, and we had our bus back to Hyderabad at 9 PM. We all decided to stop for dinner, at a nice restaurant. After dinner we had cake cutting as one of group member’s birthday was there the next day.  It was good party time for us.  Dinner done, we all boarded the maxicab. The driver dropped us at the bus stop.  Boarding the bus back to Hyderabad was the most poignant moment for us as we were still in daze, thinking about the waterfall.  But as it goes the saying, all good things have to come to an end, we had to accept the same. But still trip was awesome…

Met, made some amazing friends during this trip.  Now, am looking forward to another trip with this gang again….