Sunday, April 20, 2014

Tiger trails…Tadoba

Last weekend, my friend and me were having a discussion about vacations, places covered, what places would be preferred and why. I did not have to think twice, before I said “Nature” and “Tiger”.  My friend was flabbergasted with my answer, and she looked at me as if I have lost few screws while on my way to meet her. I just gave her smile, showed her a list of wildlife areas that I wanted to visit. In my list, I had listed this place called – “Tadoba”.  One of my friends who had been to this place told me that in Tadoba, it is not about sighting the Tiger, but how many Tigers do you sight is the question.  Honestly, I did not understand when he told me this sentence. But, now after being there I can vouch on that what he said was true. Before, I get with my trip details, let’s get into history of the place.  Am sure, you will be able to find loads of information on the Google.  But still, here we go…

According to the local legend, Taru was village chief, who was killed in a mythological encounter with a tiger. The tribals erected a shrine in his memory under a large tree on the shores of Lake Tadoba, and giving birth to the name ‘Tadoba’ to the local jungle. The river Andhari rambles through this dense forest, hence the name - “Tadoba Andhari” Tiger reserve. This place is located in the Chandrapur district of Maharashtra and this forest happens to be one of the poldest in our country. The Tadoba Reserve contains some of the best forest tracts and is endowed with rich biodiversity. For more details,

With the long weekend approaching during the fag end of March 2014, ensured that we went on tiger trails to Tadoba. This place has been on our “To visit places” for a long time, somehow this would go down the list and we would end up visiting some other reserve forest to have a glimpse of Tiger. We researched about Taboda, found that it can be reached via Chandrapur. Chandrapur is not very far from Hyderabad, just about 400 Kms roughly, which would mean clearly 7 to 8 hours of drive.  We researched all options of reaching the place, found that we can drive by taking the following route: Hyderabad > Karimnagar Highway > Mancherial-Chandrapur.  Since Shiv and me were in no mood to drive all the way, we decided that train is the best option. 

In the month of January 2014, we booked our tickets to Chandrapur in Secunderabad to Patna Express, which departs from Secunderabad station at 10 AM in the morning and reach Chandrapur, at 16:48 PM.  We decided to stay near Moharli gate, as we had our safaris’ booked from this gate. Hence, we ensured that our rooms are close by this gate. On the d-day, we had booked the cab @ 8 AM to take us to the Secunderabad station.  We reached at 9:30 AM and boarded the train.  We was peaceful journey, nothing much to say.  I did happen to meet ISB professor, who was quite taken with our trip to Taboda.  We did talk about his travels that he has made and I found he had covered most of the reverse forest of our country. Honestly, I would have loved to be in his shoes, but everyone has their own share of travels to hold that kind of experience.

At about 4:450 PM, we reached Chandrapur station. As we approached the station, the cab driver called and informed us about the cab details.  As soon as we got down, we started to move towards the cab. The cab driver introduced himself, informed us about the distance that would cover and time that it would take to reach our destination.  We were on the way to Tadoba, while driving through the city, we saw that Chandrapur had fort walls, though I have not found much about it. Neways, I am thinking of seriously digging into the history books to find out more about this fort. Though I have my doubts that it would be in ruins, even though there was a fort once upon a time. 

On the way, we could not resist ourselves to treat ourselves with the local delicacy called – Dabeli pav, which had us drooling over it.  We packed few extras and then off we went right through the coal mines to Tadoba. The drive was a delightful experience for my kids (aged 5 and 9) as they some of the machinery that are used for coal mining. 

Finally, we reached our hotel. Most of the reserve forest in our country have two zones: reserve forest, which we cannot enter without permission, and other part is buffer zone. Our hotel was situated in the buffer zone, and we were about 10 minutes walking distance from Moharli gate. 

By the time, we reached it was getting dark, so our aim was to freshen up, have food and sleep ourselves off. We have booked two safaris, one in the morning and another one in the afternoon. 

At 5:30 AM, our safari driver along with the guide came to pick up at hotel.  The whole night, we could hardly sleep as we were excited to see the tiger. Once we entered the forest, the only thing that came to my mind was Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” poem’s lines…”The woods are lovely, dark and deep…”

The first animal that we saw was Sloth Bear, followed by spotted deers, sambhar, monkeys, and other birds. We even got the view of a tiger tracking its prey, but we did not have any other encounter with the tiger. We waited for almost 3 hours, but no luck so we called it a day as the sun was getting hotter. We came back to our room, freshened up, lunch and took rest. 

Our safari jeep driver informed us that he would be back at 3:30 PM to pick us up. Again we left at 3:30 PM, and then entered the forest. The driver informed us that he would be taking another route, and it was worth the deviation that we took.  We drove through the dirt track and almost missed the tiger, which was sitting in the water. We reversed the jeep, waited for it to come out. It seemed like ages before the tiger decided to come out and man….what a sight it was!! There was pin drop silence, not even kids made a single movement. We were the only people in that entire stretch who had such a beautiful and awesome opportunity to see the “Tiger” at such close counter. We spent almost 30 minutes or so watching the Tiger, till we lost him in the greens of the forest. This was our talking point the entire night.

Next day, we did not have much to do as we had booked our travel back to Hyderabad. We got up leisurely, had good breakfast of batata poha and chai.  With few hours in hand, we decided to have a walk around the buffer zone.  Walk, we did and he happened to see few deers, museum, two leopards that have been caught and kept under lock and key.  We were asked not to go close to the cage as they were dangerous. Neways, it was good walk for us.  We came back to our hotel, got ready to leave.  Lunch done, waiting for the cab, which was delayed by 20 minutes. Neways, we made it to the Chandrapur station in time.  We boarded our train and reached Hyderabad in time for next day work and school.  

Our encounter with the Tiger was awesome, and we cannot forget it in our lifetime.  While coming out of Safari zone, we met a family, who have been traveling regularly to Tadoba to see the tigers.  I was quite caught up with their knowledge of each tiger they had seen.  With a simple picture, they were able to tell us tiger’s name, its generations and how different it was from the rest of others.  Hats of them!!, but unfortunately, I could not collect their contact to keep in touch. 

Hoping to meet more of Tigers as I plan to cover few more...